key features
- Written for UK businesses
- Simple to use
- Helps with strategy
- Easy financial forecasts
Views from our Users
“Just a quick note to thank you for the quality of your product and the dedication to service of your after sales support following problems downloading on to our computer (unrelated to the software). Due to the urgency of our requirements, we decided to purchase and download a different business plan software package, which was more expensive and we found it unsuitable for our needs as it was based on USA business plans and the terminology did not fit our business. Only one phone call to Harcourt Business Systems was necessary and a replacement CD arrived in the post the following day and we produced our plan to our deadline.”
Tim Haigh, Mid Mossdale, N. Yorks
“I originally wrote my own business plan with financial projections with a view to raising investment. Different readers of business plans require different models and eventually I needed a solution that would allow me to change the financial projections almost daily. I found Stepbystep on the Internet and downloaded the software. Within four hours I had the financials sorted and within eight I had a much better business plan than I had started with. The structured approach forced me to consider aspects of the business that I hadn’t previously and the result was a much improved business plan.”
Mike Riding, MD, Process Instruments (UK) Ltd., Burnley
“I am very impressed with the Stepbystep business planning software. It is comprehensive, well written and very user friendly with many useful tips along the way. The level of support from Harcourt was excellent. An excellent product”.
Sam Berey, Sales & Marketing Director, Animazoo UK Ltd., Brighton
GOOD SUPPORT & INVALUABLE SOFTWARE“The service from Harcourt Business Systems, certainly surpassed my expectations. Originally had some problems installing the software but within 24 hours a Harcourt employee had fixed the problem. Turned out to be a problem with my laptop, not the software. The software itself is easy to use, and invaluable for anyone at the first stages of launching a business”.
Jason Vince, Connect Now, Smallfield, West Sussex
“Using the Stepbystep Business Plan is probably the best thing we have ever done to further the success of our business. It made us assess every single aspect of the company in a clear and concise manner. The plan was done to apply for funding and the bank thought the plan was the most thorough and the best they had seen. We got the funding we were asking for with no problems”.
Melody Pettigrew, Director. Steyning Healthy Living Ltd, Steyning, West Sussex
“The stepbystep software has proved invaluable in helping us create our business plan. Two Business Angels said that our plan was by far the most impressive document they had received from any company at our stage of development. It also impressed our commercial bank business partner, who backed a successful application for a £100,000 Small Firm Loan. The software has ongoing benefits for us – allowing us to factor in new revenue streams, assess different revenue scenarios and present our business in the right way to different audiences. It has also helped us to identify areas where we need development and to highlight potential pitfalls.”
Tim Greenhalgh, CEO, Galaxylife Limited, Online & Mobile Games, Brighton
“I found the stepbystep software very easy to use and extremely good value for money. I think the main benefits were that it helped me to formalise and organise my thoughts and plans for the business in a concise and professional manner…I found the layout which structured the plan particularly useful as it enabled me to stop easily and then return to the plan without getting confused where I left off…our business bankers were very impressed with the plan and we achieved the DTI backed funding of £100,000.”
Joel Bissitt, MD, OER Group, Brighton
“This excellent software is easy to use and the process enables users to review all aspects of their business thoroughly and objectively. The spreadsheets make light work of financial planning. Altogether a comprehensive package with a professional finish”.
Robert Foskett, Fosketts Chartered Accountants, Chichester
“As a long-term user of stepbystep, I have found this software invaluable in the work that I undertake for clients and have been unable to find anything of comparable quality.
The new and enhanced facilities included in the new version provide me with additional resources and the ability to work on several company plans, at the same time, is a major step forward. The new version should be of use to business consultants but, equally, with the built-in guides should be very useful to any businesses wanting to create their own plans and they will quickly see the great benefits provided.”
Keith Andrew ACIB, AIBA, CP, Keith Andrew Associates, Chelmsford, Essex
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